When we go to work, our body and mind are generally in an active state, and this active state is very energy-consuming. After work, we should switch to lifestyle and dilute the mark of working all day, otherwise your mind and body are still in working mode, In the long run, it is easy to have physical and mental problems.
Here are a few yoga poses to practice after work:
Downward dog preparation
Cross the left leg forward, bend the right knee to the ground
Place your right calf on the ground and push your hips forward and down
Hold the yoga block with both hands and extend the spine
Core tightening, right hip extension
Stay for 1-2 minutes, switch sides
Salamba Bhujangasana:
Lie on your stomach with your elbows on the ground and your forearms on the floor
Abdominal adduction, chest lift
Keep your shoulders away from your ears and your hips on the ground.
The spine is extended and there is no compression at the back of the neck
Breathe naturally and hold for 1-2 minutes
Bend your legs up and down
Knees facing forward. Align as much as possible.
Heel close to the outside of the hip
Both sides of the ischium uniform landing
Spine extends slightly forward
Stay for 1-2 minutes, switch sides
Uttana Shishosana:
Knees down, thighs vertical on the floor
Put your toes on the ground and lie on your stomach
Spine extended, chest and chin placed on pillow
Abdomen constricted, arms extended forward
Hold for 1-2 minutes
Uthita Balasana:
Kneel with your knees apart and place a pillow under your hips
Stretch forward on your stomach, arms out to the front
Place a lower pillow or blanket under the chin
Hold for 2-3 minutes
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana:
Lie on your back, bend your knees, raise your hips
The yoga block is placed in the lumbosacral region
Stretch your legs forward in turn and push your hips up
Adduction between abdomen and back, hold for 1-2 minutes
Supta Matsyendrasana:
Keep your legs together and bend your knees to the right.
Turn your head to your left and rest your right hand on your legs
Legs closer to the ground, chest stretch
Stay for 1-2 minutes, switch sides to practice
Supta Matsyendrasana (Variation):
Bend your legs to the side
Lie forward on your stomach and place the pillow under your body
Face to face, shoulders relaxed and breathe naturally
Stay for 3-5 minutes, switch sides and repeat.