Few yoga poses to get the hips full Exercises
Sitting for too long can lead to flat hips and lower back problems, which are actually related. Hip flat weakness not only affects the appearance even can be the function of the hip can be transferred to other parts. The hips don't exert themselves, so when you bend over, or when you start your upper body, you use your lower back to exert force, and your lower back doesn't exercise regularly, which causes it to be under too much pressure.
Therefore, whether it is for
the sake of beauty or for the sake of good health, proper hip training is
necessary. The practice of yoga does not only practice a certain part, the below
postures described the overall practice, but the hips will participate in more.
Standing in Mountain Pose with
feet hip width apart
Inhale and lift your arms up,
exhale and bend your hips backwards and downward
Tighten your hips, tighten your
pelvic floor muscles, and start your inner thighs.
Chest lift, abdomen adduction
Hold for 5-8 breaths, inhale
and stand up
Virbhadrasana-1 (Warrior-I)
Standing in Mountain Pose with
your feet open about a leg length
Turn right foot 90 degrees,
left foot toes pointed
Turn your body to the
right, exhale and turn your left knees downward. Inhale and lengthen
your spine.
Sink hips down, lift left
groin up
Raise both arms above your
head and shoulders away from your ears
Hold 5-8 breaths and switch to the other side.
Virbhadrasana-2 (Warrior-II)
Standing in Mountain Pose with
feet longer than one leg apart
Turn right foot 90 degrees
outward, left foot slightly in buckle
Inhale, extend your waist and
raise your hands sideways
Exhale and bend the right
knee, thigh nearly parallel to the floor
Start on the inner most thigh
and on the outer hip, allowing the legs to open
Chest navel forward, turn to
look at the fingertips of the right hand
Hold 5-8 breaths and switch to the other side.
Virbhadrasana-3 (Warrior-III)
Stand in Mount Pose, inhale
and raise your arms
Bend forward from the hip to
the break point and lift the left leg up
Push your right thigh back and
push your left heel far
Arm, spine and left leg in
If you can't keep your
balance, practice with both hands on the wall
Keep your hips in place. Don't turn your hips. Hold for 10 breaths. Switch sides.
Ardha-Chandrasana (Half Moon)
Mountain Pose, feet open about
a leg length
Turn left toe to left, right
foot slightly inside button
Bend your left leg and land
your left hand.
Inhale, shift your weight to
the left and lift your right leg.
Yoga blocks can be placed under
the left hand to make it easier for the hand to find support
If you can't keep your balance,
practice against the wall.
Lift your right thigh as high
as possible and feel your right hip start
Hold 8 breaths and move to the opposite side.
Salabhasana (Locust Pose)
Lie on your stomach with your
hands at your sides, palms up
Inhale, lift your body up
Lift your chest and lift your
arms back and up.
Tighten your thighs and lift
your toes.
Neck extended, shoulders away
from ears
Hold 5-8 breaths and return to prone position.